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How To Set Up (A Makeshift) Work From Home Desk

Laying on the bed with your laptop can only lead to unwarranted naps, so here's how to make work from home a little easier during your quarantine.

1) Essentials

Your environment should be:



-Free of distractions

-Keep yourself well hydrated

- Good lighting 

-An open window if you have one next to you for oxygen to the brain 


2) What should you keep in mind while selecting a spot for your WFH desk?

- Don’t select a space where there’s too much footfall

-Try and select a spot in your home where people won’t disturb you too much but you will still get an electric point for your chargers etc.

-I can’t stress enough about a good chair with correct back support. This is will crucial to whether you will be able to work for a longer span of time or not

-Try and select a space that you won’t need to clear up every day and that can be a constant for the next 3 weeks.


3) Any hack/ ideas for people to bring an office home... 

if you’re turning something like your bedroom vanity or dresser into a work station like I did, I like to have a mood board for creative people or small post-it notes with your tasks for the week. They add a pop of colour and they also make your new “work” station look it’s part. 


4) For people who don’t have a desk at home, and choose spaces like a dining table, are there ways to accessorise it?

-A small reed diffuser with a calming scent like lavender always does the trick for me

- a desk plant for added oxygen and because they are so pretty 

- a good desk lamp if you don’t have sufficient overhead lighting. 


Before - My vanity:


After - My WFH Desk:


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